Why ReactJS is the Most Preferable for Your Next Development Project?

Sector: Technology

Author: Hemant Kumar

Date Published: 05/13/2019

Why ReactJS is the Most Preferable for Your Next Development Project

Developers nowadays are required to be more agile than ever before. The dynamic and custom requirements of clients require them to be extremely focused and remain in sync with the latest industry developments.

When it comes to meeting the needs of modern-day users who expect sleek, interactive, and high-performing web applications, ReactJS is an ideal JavaScript framework owing to its robust JavaScript libraries that can be put to use for quickly developing intuitive UI for web apps.

Before we dig in a bit deep into the decision of choosing ReactJS, let’s take a quick look at ReactJS basics and its popularity.

React by Facebook: Swiftly Rising up the Popularity Ladder

React JavaScript framework was developed by Facebook and has become increasingly popular equally among the independent development community and ReactJS development companies.

It is an open-source framework, which facilitates user interface development and possesses the following attributes:

1. Declarative:

You are required to design simplistic views for all the states in the application on which React will automatically update all the components in case of data change

2. Component-based:

Developers assemble encapsulated components for building an app with each component managing its own state.

3. Explicitly Inclusive:

You don’t need to learn things again and again with React. Once you learn the basics, you can use it anywhere as React is a view rendering library.

React’s popularity can be gauged by the fact that it is being used by more than 700,000 websites all over the globe including some of the biggest names like Yahoo, BBC, PayPal, among others.


Is React Suitable for Your Next Project?

The React library is best at equipping you with the ability to create a highly reactive user interface. If your web app needs a UI that’s quick to respond to real-time events or ever-changing data, React may be best for your next project.

Fundamentally, React is suitable for web apps where frequent changes in the data models are required to be synced with an interactive UI. Micheal Jackson, co-creator of React Router library aptly describes what React is all about in the tweet:

Point is, React takes care of the hard part of figuring out what changes actually need to happen to the DOM, not me. That’s *invaluable*

So, how should you analyze if your project needs React?  Here are some points that would help you make the right decision:

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1. When Your App Has Lot of Different States

React categorizes everything in a web app as a separate state and makes it easier to build HTML using parts of the state so a developer doesn’t have to deal with DOM on his own. React automates the handling of different states, which speeds up the performance.


React doesn’t help you organize a state rather helps set logical ways to set and get the state. In retrospect, it can help you see everything as a state and manage it as a direct concept, without getting into the specifics.

So, if your app has a lot of states- be it the value of an input, list of authors, comments on an article, or the interface when something is loading, React can serve as a savior.

2. Fighting off Spaghetti

Spaghetti code in a project occurs when the structure and organization of code have gone out of hands because of business logic specifics and data handling. With the help of React, which takes a modular, component-based approach towards development, you can handle everything easily.

All the logic associated with a component will affect only that component. Therefore, if we talk of a confusing form inside a web app, it would either have its own module or sub-module which will handle its logic independently without affecting other modules.

With React, the chances of spaghetti code reduce phenomenally. As DOM is managed by React itself, you will not have to worry about making changes to it, ensuring that nothing blows out of proportion due to spaghetti.

3. Efficient & Automated DOM Management

Spaghetti code arises mostly because of the manual handling of DOM. When your app is suffering from a spaghetti code issue and the structure has been compromised, DOM is considered the source of truth. As React manages DOM on itself, so there are fewer chances of messing up other components of an app.

React makes it easier for developers to take care of the specifics while it handles the bigger picture through a virtual DOM which is handled automatically. Events are bound directly to elements and when developers need inter-module interactability, they can call elements in higher-order modules.

But at no step developers can manage DOM on their own, which eliminates chances of compromising with the DOM.

Now, that you know where you should use React, let’s move towards some useful tips that will help you become a better React developer.

Useful Pro Development Tips for React Developers

1. Use Functional Components

If your project doesn’t require an internal state or lifecycle method on a component, focus on using functional components wherever possible. Functional components are original JavaScript functions that take in props as an argument and return with react element.

Using functional components also has several other benefits like the need for less coding, easy understandability, and simpler testing.

2. Use Smaller Components

It goes without saying that one should focus on keeping their project components smaller as they are easier to read, maintain, test, reuse and deploy. By extracting components, your app can take the benefits of the modular approach effectively and be more organized and structurally better.

3. Utilize React Developer Tools

React Development Tools make the process of viewing component hierarchy simpler, faster, and quicker. You can see, inspect and edit the props and state of a component and invoke component methods from DevTools, itself.

We hope that you are now clear if you need to React for your next project. If you are still confused about the implications of React, it would be better to connect with a ReactJS development company and hire dedicated ReactJS developers who can guide you better and take your project forward.

At Techtic Solutions, we have been working with React framework for quite a while and built expertise in taking advantage of the React library for a web app’s success.

Get in touch with our experts to explore the applicability of React library for your dream project and analyze if it is a sound choice, today.

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