Offshore Development Center (ODC): 6 Benefits to Know

Sector: Digital Product

Author: Chintan Bhatt

Date Published: 10/22/2018

Offshore Development Center (ODC): 6 Benefits to Know


Outsourcing development projects are trending globally. The customers of software development service providers are gradually moving from their own in-house development team or traditional outsourcing to the offshore development centers. It has helped companies in getting greater visibility and predictability throughout the development process.

Offshore Development Centre is required for Software development?

The offshore development centers are popular as they lower the operating costs and raise productivity by leveraging talent offshore. Software development work is initiated in a country that has a big pool of highly competent & affordable software resources. They offer services to the company located around the globe at comparatively cheaper rates.

The development center provides all kinds of specialists including but not limited to programmers & testers, designers, project managers, copywriters, solution architects, etc. Software development trends have changed over the years.

Here is a short survey, why is the offshore development center (ODC) set up important? Take a look at Offshore Development Center (ODC) benefits.

According to Grand View Research, the global business process outsourcing market size was valued at USD 232.32 billion in 2020 and is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% from 2021 to 2028. As compared to the last few years. Outsourcing segments within the global industry include business services, IT, healthcare, etc.

GlobalOutsourcing Market Size

Tools an offshore developer uses to render services

Tools an offshore developer

An offshore development company outspreads its hand to various businesses to multiply their revenue and for full utilization of its resources. With continuous changing technology and working on different time zones, it’s important for offshore resources to have offshore development tools that will help them in delivering to their clients. There are numerous benefits of hiring an offshore development team for your organization in terms of cost and productivity.

Benefits of Offshore Development Center (ODC) 2021:

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Many big companies worldwide choose the best offshore development partner to achieve the software development goals. Engaging offshore development has its own benefits, which include the following:


1. Reduces the cost

Reducing the salary is a common concern for companies to go for offshore development centers services. By paying high is difficult to maintain an in-house team with expertise in the latest technologies. Many companies are experiencing the benefits of the offshore development team. By offshoring your business, you don’t have to spend time on recruiting, hiring & training employees.

2. Attracting talented resources

With a dedicated offshore development team, you can avail talented and skilled resources. They are highly qualified professionals following international standards & quality. It provides you with inexpensive resources and you need not invest in training that could take young professionals to become productive.

3. Helps in focussing on the main part of the business

If you choose Offshore Development, it gives an opportunity to concentrate and strengthen the core business development process. Whenever there is a growth in business, the company needs to take projects into the field it is not related to. For instance, if a financial firm is looking at IT solutions. It is difficult for them to appoint an in-house team. Therefore, offshore development can help the financial firm to concentrate on its core business without worrying about the outsourced project. This is one of the main benefits of ODC staffing services.

4. Minimum investment on infrastructure

Building new products requires upgraded technology and infrastructure. Usually, companies find it hard to invest their time & money in building up the infrastructure. Therefore, companies can outsource the technology & infrastructure to meet the requirements. This will boost the company’s business and can develop a dynamic product for its clients. This is another key benefit of using ODC models, that it reduces investment on infrastructure.

5. Saves time with faster solutions & multitasking

Companies need to appoint a dedicated team for developing a product as it requires a lot of time. Therefore, the topmost offshore development centers can provide a dedicated team when qualified people are working on around-the-clock. Hence, it saves time and money. This will help the company to manage and solve real-time in-house problems, rather than filling the gaps in the team. An external team can offer innovations & creativity at each stage of the business cycle.

Offshore development practices help in achieving goals

Follow the below-mentioned offshore development practices that can help in achieving goals and maintaining team effectively.

1. Build a small instead of a large team

The smaller the team size, the better is the visibility and communication which leads to effective results. It is advised to build a small & skilled team instead of a large team of developers.

2. Setup daily meetings through audio & video calls

Regular communication between the onshore and offshore team leads in meeting project goals. Every issue can be addressed timely and efficiently with the use of such tools.

3. Use appropriate tracking tools

It is important to plan, track, and release quality software to meet the needs of your business. Software development tracking tools like Jira enable you to efficiently plan tasks, distribute them evenly, and prioritize work accordingly.

Offshore development was started in 1985 when Texas instruments had set its office in Bangalore. It provides access to world-class professionals and ensures an end-to-end solution that includes consultancy, maintenance, analysis, and development. The pros of the offshore development center ultimately result in boosting the growth of your business.

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