Top 17 Features for Health and Wellness eCommerce Stores

Sector: Digital Commerce

Author: Nisarg Mehta

Date Published: 06/29/2023

Top 17 Features for Health and Wellness eCommerce Website Store

According to a survey conducted by McKinsey, which involved approximately 7,500 consumers across six countries, an astounding 79% of respondents expressed the significance of wellness in their lives. Furthermore, an impressive 42% considered wellness to be their utmost priority.


As more individuals prioritize their well-being and seek convenient ways to access health-related products, establishing an online presence is a must for businesses in this niche.

To stay ahead in the game and capture the attention of health-conscious consumers, incorporating the right features into your eCommerce platform is crucial.

From scalable online stores to mobile shopping experiences, from customer reviews and ratings to consultancy appointments, there are a multitude of features that can help eCommerce healthcare companies thrive.

These features not only enhance the user experience but also build trust, provide valuable information, and cater to the specific needs of health-conscious customers.

So without further ado, let’s know the top 17 health and wellness eCommerce store features you should have.

Top 17 Features of Health and Wellness eCommerce Stores

While building your eCommerce healthcare store, make sure to include the following features.


1. Scalable Online Store

A scalable online store allows you to easily expand your product offerings, handle increased traffic, and accommodate future growth. It ensures that your website can handle high volumes of visitors and transactions without performance issues, enabling you to scale your business as needed.

The decision to have this feature in your eCommerce store begins at the level where you’re deciding on which platform you want to build your store.

Here are some of the platforms you can pick to build an eCommerce store that is scalable (Ranking in terms of their scalability):

  1. BigCommerce
  2. Adobe Commerce
  3. Shopify / Shopify plus
  4. WooCommerce
  5. Squarespace

2. Mobile Shopping

Mobile shopping is essential as people are using their smartphones and tablets to browse and make purchases.

In fact, By the year 2024, the volume of mCommerce is projected to reach an impressive $620.97 billion, indicating that approximately 42.9% of total eCommerce transactions will be conducted through mobile devices.

A dedicated mobile app will surely ensure that your health and wellness products are easily accessible to customers on their preferred devices, providing a seamless and optimized shopping experience.

However, if you don’t have the budget to build dedicated mobile apps for your eCommerce store, you can opt for a website with PWA functionality. Here you can read more on PWAs for eCommerce.

3. Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings are powerful social proofs that build trust and credibility for your health and wellness products.

Positive reviews and high ratings can influence potential customers to make a purchase, as they provide authentic feedback about the quality and effectiveness of your products.

In fact, According to recent research conducted by Dixa, a staggering 93% of customers make it a habit to read online reviews before finalizing a purchase.

Furthermore, an impressive 47% of customers actively share positive experiences, while an overwhelming 95% express their dissatisfaction with a negative experience.

This means you shouldn’t miss out on having this feature.

Creating Branded eCommerce Experience that Converts

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4. Subscribe and Sav

Health and wellness are a continuous spectrum. And offering a subscribe and save option allows your customers to set up recurring orders for their favourite health and wellness products.

This feature encourages customer loyalty, increases customer lifetime value, and provides a convenient and hassle-free the shopping experience for customers who regularly use your products.

5. Nutrition/Supplement Facts

Including detailed nutrition and supplement facts for your products helps customers make informed decisions about their health.

By providing transparent and accurate information, you demonstrate your commitment to quality and help customers understand the benefits and potential allergens or dietary restrictions associated with your products.

What’s more interesting is that you’ll be the one-stop solution where your customers can decide on which products can help them and then, eventually, buy the products. And this brings us to the next feature…

6. Dosage Information

Health and wellness products often come with specific dosage recommendations. Including clear dosage information helps customers understand how to properly use your products for optimal results and overcome any potential health risks associated with incorrect usage.

7. Consultancy Appointments

As they say, you don’t sell products, you acquire customers. As you’ve already established the trust and they purchase from your store, you can leverage this to cross-sell.

Offering consultancy appointments through your online store allows customers to seek expert advice or personalized recommendations.

This feature is particularly beneficial for health and wellness eCommerce stores that sell products requiring professional guidance, such as supplements, skincare, or fitness equipment.

8. B2B Bulk Orders

eCommerce stores can be equipped to cater to both B2C and B2B audiences. Here, it makes sense for you to leverage this capability and broaden your customer base.

B2B bulk ordering functionality caters to businesses or healthcare practitioners who require larger quantities of health and wellness products. This feature simplifies the bulk ordering process, allows for custom pricing or discounts, and enhances the overall user experience for wholesale customers.

9. Smart Global Search

A smart global search feature ensures that customers can quickly find the specific health and wellness products they are looking for.

It improves the search functionality of your online store by offering predictive suggestions, filters, and relevant product recommendations, enhancing the user experience and increasing conversion rates.

10. Usage Guide

Not everyone knows how to use products for their health and wellness. People need assistance, and providing a usage guide for your health and wellness products offers valuable instructions, tips, and best practices for customers.

It helps them understand how to incorporate your products into their routines effectively, leading to better customer satisfaction and results.

11. FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section addresses common queries and concerns that customers may have. By providing comprehensive and easily accessible answers, you can reduce customer support requests, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure a smooth purchasing process.

Amazon uses this feature as “Questions and Answers,” where both the seller and the peer customer groups can answer questions.

12. Quantity Discounts

Offering quantity discounts incentivizes customers to purchase larger quantities of eCommerce and health care products.

This strategy can boost sales, encourage bulk orders, and attract price-conscious customers who are looking for cost savings or prefer to stock up on their favorite products.

You can also integrate this feature with your email marketing campaigns, where your store can automatically send newsletters to your customers whenever there are discounts on the products they’re interested in. Contact us to know the cost of implementing this.

13. Easy Pay

Easy payment options, such as multiple payment gateways, one-click checkout, or digital wallets, simplify the payment process for customers.

It reduces friction during the checkout process and improves conversion rates, enhancing the overall user experience and customer satisfaction.

In addition to this, you can also partner with Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) service providers. This will surely improve your conversions.

14. Live Customer Support

This feature allows customers to get real-time assistance with their queries or concerns. It helps build trust, resolves issues promptly, and ensures a positive shopping experience, leading to increased customer loyalty.

15. Offline Store Locator

If your health and wellness eCommerce store has physical retail locations, an offline store locator feature enables customers to find nearby stores to explore or purchase products in person.

It makes the customer experience seamless by bridging the gap between online and offline experiences, catering to customers who prefer to shop locally. And this brings us to the next revolutionary feature.

16. Omnichannel Retail

You can also opt for omnichannel eCommerce functionality to improve your customer experience.

Omnichannel eCommerce refers to a holistic approach to retail that integrates multiple channels, both online and offline, to provide customers with a seamless and consistent shopping experience.

It involves synchronizing various sales channels, such as physical stores, websites, mobile applications, social media platforms, and more, to create a unified and interconnected shopping journey for customers.

The key aspect of omnichannel eCommerce is to ensure that customers can transition effortlessly between different channels, with their preferences, shopping history, and data seamlessly carried over.

17. Logistics and Warehouse Integration

Integrating your online store with logistics and warehouse systems streamlines order fulfillment, inventory management, and shipping processes. This integration helps ensure timely delivery, reduces errors, and provides better visibility into stock levels, leading to improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Need Expert Assistance to Build Your eCommerce Store?

For professional assistance in setting up your eCommerce store and creating a customized theme that aligns with your brand, you can reach out to our experts.

Techtic, an acclaimed digital agency, specializes in the design, setup, development, and marketing of eCommerce stores.

Our comprehensive services encompass everything from building and customizing your store to eCommerce website development, seamless migration to a new eCommerce platform, effective SEO strategies, and impactful marketing campaigns. Experience our expertise today!

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