Top 10 Marketing Automation Tools to Integrate with Your eCommerce Store

Sector: Digital Commerce

Author: Nisarg Mehta

Date Published: 04/21/2023

Top 10 eCommerce Marketing Automation Tools

The traditional eCommerce marketing funnel model is no longer effective.

It is because, in the past, the goal was simply to convert website visitors into leads, turn those leads into customers, and hope they would spread positive word-of-mouth about your brand on social media and review platforms.

However, this approach is insufficient in today’s complex eCommerce marketing landscape.

Modern marketing funnel encompasses numerous activities, such as engaging with potential customers, fostering relationships, analyzing their behavior, and guiding them through the sales funnel to conversion.

Marketing automation, a software solution, simplifies these various tasks and alleviates the workload of marketers. The software reduces the efforts required to perform these tasks. It focuses on automating marketing processes and campaigns across different channels.

Marketing automation software enables online retailers like you to provide personalized experiences to your audience and retain customers for long-term relationships.

So, if you’re looking for a marketing automation tool to integrate with your Shopify store, we’ve done our research to find you the top 10.

Enjoy the read.

Top 10 Marketing Automation Tools for eCommerce Stores

Based on their usability and ecosystem, here we’re listing the top marketing automation tools for eCommerce stores.

1. ActiveCampaign - Best Overal


ActiveCampaign is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that provides businesses with a range of automation features to manage their customer relationships more effectively.

ActiveCampaign’s marketing automation features allow businesses to create and automate targeted campaigns based on user behavior and interests.

The platform uses advanced segmentation and personalization to deliver tailored content to each individual user, resulting in improved engagement and higher conversion rates.

In addition to marketing automation, ActiveCampaign also provides sales automation features. The features include lead scoring, contact management, and deal tracking features to help businesses to close more deals and generate more revenue.

What’s best is that ActiveCampaign offers a complete suite of CRM. This includes features such as contact management, deal tracking, and task automation to help businesses stay organized and on top of their customer interactions.

Automation Features

  • Track user behavior across multiple channels, including email, website, and social media, and trigger automated campaigns based on specific user actions.
  • Dynamic email content, which allows businesses to send personalized emails. The platform includes a drag-and-drop email designer, pre-built email templates, and personalization options to create engaging email campaigns.
  • Advanced segmentation of the audience based on specific criteria, such as demographics, website behavior, and engagement level.
  • Predictive email sending to send emails at the optimal time for each individual user. The platform uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and predict the best time to send each email.
  • Lead scoring based on specific criteria, such as demographics, website behavior, and engagement level.
  • Sales automation for contact management, deal tracking, and task automation.
  • Site tracking traces user behavior on your website and other digital channels.


  • Lite: $29/month
  • Plus: $49/month
  • Professional: $149/month
  • Enterprise: On Request

2. Omnisend


Omnisend is an all-in-one marketing automation platform designed for eCommerce businesses. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that help eCommerce businesses connect with their customers across multiple channels.

From email marketing to SMS marketing, Omnisend provides a seamless omnichannel experience that engages customers throughout their entire customer journey.

With features like automation workflows, audience segmentation, and customizable templates, businesses can create targeted, personalized campaigns that drive conversions and boost customer loyalty.

For example, you can set up automation workflows to send personalized welcome messages to new subscribers, trigger cart abandonment emails for shoppers who leave items in their cart, or re-engage inactive customers with targeted win-back campaigns.

Creating Branded eCommerce Experience that Converts

Let′s Talk

Automation Features

  • Welcome series lets you set up a series of automated welcome emails to engage new subscribers and introduce them to your brand.
  • Abandoned cart recovery lets you automatically send personalized messages to visitors who leave items in their cart without making the payment.
  • Product retargeting to remind customers about products they have viewed or added to their cart but haven’t yet purchased.
  • Automated order confirmation emails that include personalized recommendations and upsell offers.
  • Post-purchase series of automated emails to engage customers after they make a purchase, including product review requests and cross-sell offers.
  • Re-engagement campaigns to automatically target inactive subscribers with personalized win-back campaigns to re-engage them with your brand.
  • Birthday and anniversary campaigns to automatically send personalized messages to customers on their birthday or the anniversary of their first purchase.
  • Custom workflows based on customer behavior and preferences, such as specific product interests or engagement levels.


  • Free Plan
  • Standard: $16/month
  • Pro: $59/month

3. Freshmarketer


Freshmarketer is an eCommerce marketing automation tool offered by Freshworks. It enables online retailers to optimize their marketing efforts across various channels.

The software helps businesses attract, engage, and convert visitors into customers by providing features such as web and mobile app analytics, conversion rate optimization, and A/B testing.

Freshmarketer’s web and mobile app analytics provide eCommerce businesses with deep insights into visitor behavior, such as page views, clicks, and time spent on the website.

What’s more interesting is that Freshmarketer is a part of the Freshworks suite, which includes Freshservice, Freshchat, Freshdesk, Freshsales, etc. This makes sure that the business opting for this eCommerce marketing automation software can leverage a seamless integration with these other business tools.

In terms of marketing automation, the software boasts the following features:

Automation Features

  • Email marketing automation helps retailers set up email marketing campaigns and automate them based on specific triggers, such as a user signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Lead scoring automation enables businesses to score leads based on specific criteria, such as demographics, website behavior, and engagement level.
  • Personalization automation features enable businesses to deliver tailored content and experiences to their audience.
  • Web behavior tracking automation allows businesses to set up automation rules based on specific user actions, such as a user abandoning a cart or spending a certain amount of time on a page.
  • Campaign automation features for various marketing campaigns, such as social media, paid advertising, and SMS marketing.


  • Free Plan
  • Growth Plan: $19/month
  • Pro: $149/month
  • Enterprise: $299/month

4. Sendinblue


Sendinblue is a comprehensive marketing automation tool that helps automate and optimize marketing campaigns across multiple channels, including email, SMS, and chat.

With Sendinblue, businesses can create targeted and personalized campaigns using various automation features, including email workflows, SMS triggers, and chatbots.

Additionally, the platform includes real-time reporting and analytics, allowing businesses to track the performance of their campaigns and optimize their strategy accordingly.

One of the unique features of Sendinblue is its CRM functionality, which enables businesses to manage their customer relationships and communication from a single platform.

Automation Features

  • Email workflows allow businesses to create targeted and personalized email campaigns using automated workflows triggered by specific user behaviors or events.
  • SMS triggers enable businesses to create SMS campaigns triggered by specific user behaviors or events.
  • No-code chatbots builder, allowing businesses to create interactive chatbots to engage with customers and drive conversions.
  • CRM functionality that helps manage customer relationships and communication from a single platform.
  • Advanced segmentation helps you target specific customer groups based on their behavior, demographics, and other criteria.
  • Real-time reporting and analytics gives you insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns and enables you to optimize the strategy accordingly.
  • eCommerce integrations with popular eCommerce platforms such as Shopify and Magento.
  • Drag-and-drop campaign editor allows you to easily create visually stunning and effective campaigns without the need for technical expertise.


  • Free
  • Starter: $25/month
  • Business: $65/month
  • Enterprise: Custom Pricing

5. Drip


Drip is an email-first marketing automation software that enables eCommerce businesses to take direct control of every aspect of their customer’s journey, from their initial visit to becoming brand advocates, all through an easy-to-use, centralized dashboard.

Drip’s comprehensive set of features, including a drag-and-drop builder, customizable email templates, an advanced rule engine, and email workflows, make it the ideal solution for brands that value personalized, human-centric customer interactions.

Unlike other platforms that treat customers as mere names on a list, Drip recognizes the importance of making each customer feel valued and understood. That’s why it has become the go-to platform for brands prioritizing building long-lasting customer relationships.

Automation Features

  • Email marketing includes powerful tools to help you create targeted and personalized email campaigns based on customer behavior and preferences.
  • eCommerce integrations with popular eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce.
  • Behavioral tracking across multiple channels, including email, website, and social media.
  • Advanced segmentation of customers and prospects.
  • Multi-channel marketing enables businesses to create marketing campaigns across multiple channels, including email, SMS, social media, and more.
  • Marketing automation workflows triggered by specific user behaviors or events.
  • Lead scoring functionality to help you identify and prioritize high-value leads based on their behavior and engagement with marketing campaigns.


  • Starts at $39/month

6. Klaviyo - for Email and SMS Automation


Klaviyo is an all-in-one marketing platform that enables eCommerce businesses a to create targeted and personalized campaigns across email, SMS, social media, and other channels.

With Klaviyo, businesses can easily build and manage email marketing campaigns, including newsletters, promotional offers, and automated flows such as abandoned cart reminders and welcome series.

The platform offers advanced segmentation features that enable businesses to target specific groups of customers based on their behavior, demographics, and other criteria.

One of the unique features of Klaviyo is its ability to leverage data to personalize and optimize marketing campaigns. The platform uses machine learning algorithms to track customer behavior and preferences, enabling businesses to deliver highly relevant and personalized content to their customers.

Automation Features

  • Email Automation includes pre-built email templates, personalization options, and advanced segmentation features to help businesses create effective email campaigns.
  • Behavioral Triggers allow businesses to trigger automated marketing campaigns based on specific user behavior, such as abandoned cart reminders or product recommendations.
  • Segmentation of the audience based on a range of criteria, including behavior, demographics, and purchase history.
  • Integrations with a range of eCommerce platforms and other marketing tools, including Shopify and Magento.


  • Free Plan
  • Email: $45/month
  • Email and SMS: $60/month

7. Campaign Monitor


Campaign Monitor is a leading email marketing platform that offers advanced automation features to help businesses create highly targeted, personalized email campaigns at scale.

The platform’s marketing automation capabilities include a range of workflows, such as welcome series, abandoned cart recovery, and post-purchase campaigns, which are triggered based on customer behavior and preferences.

Campaign Monitor’s advanced segmentation and targeting features enable marketers to create highly targeted campaigns based on criteria such as demographics, purchase history, and engagement behavior.

The platform also provides a range of other features to help marketers optimize their campaigns, including A/B testing, campaign reporting and analytics, and integrations with popular eCommerce platforms.

Automation Features

  • Welcome series of automated emails to engage new customers and introduce them to your brand.
  • Abandoned cart recovery to automatically send targeted messages to customers who leave items in their cart without completing the purchase.
  • Personalized product recommendations within email campaigns.
  • Post-purchase series automated emails to engage customers after they make a purchase, including product review requests and cross-sell offers.
  • Re-engagement campaigns to automatically target inactive subscribers with personalized win-back campaigns to re-engage them with your brand.
  • Behavioral triggers for automated email campaigns, such as sending a personalized birthday message or an upsell offer based on previous purchases.
  • Dynamic content within email campaigns based on customer preferences, demographics, or other criteria.


  • Basic: $9/month
  • Unlimited: $29/month
  • Premier: $149/month

8. Braze


Braze is a leading customer engagement platform that helps businesses build and maintain strong, long-lasting customer relationships.

The platform enables businesses to create highly personalized, cross-channel experiences for their customers using a range of powerful engagement tools, including email, mobile messaging, in-app messaging, and more.

With Braze, businesses can automate and optimize their customer engagement campaigns to drive higher engagement, retention, and revenue.

The platform provides a range of advanced features, including real-time data and analytics, advanced segmentation and targeting capabilities, and integrations with a variety of popular third-party tools and platforms.

Automation Features

  • Journey builder tool that enables you to create complex, multi-step customer journeys across multiple channels, including email, mobile messaging, and more.
  • Triggers that send messages to customers based on their behavior or other events, such as making a purchase or abandoning a cart.
  • Personalization, by using data and machine learning algorithms to deliver highly personalized messages to customers based on their preferences, behavior, and past interactions with your brand.
  • Segmentation of customers based on a wide range of criteria, including demographic data, behavior, and past interactions with your brand.


  • On-Demand

9. Bloomreach


Bloomreach is a leading digital experience platform that helps eCommerce businesses deliver personalized, engaging experiences across a range of channels and devices.

The platform provides a range of features, including site search and merchandising, personalization and recommendations, and content management and optimization.

The platform’s personalization and recommendations features enable businesses to deliver highly targeted and relevant content to customers, increasing engagement and driving higher conversion rates.

But how effective is it when it comes to automation? Let’s find out.

Automation Features

  • Triggered emails based on customer behavior, such as abandoned cart reminders, order confirmation emails, and post-purchase follow-ups.
  • Personalized recommendations to customers based on their browsing and purchase history.
  • Customer segmentation based on a range of factors, including purchase history, engagement, and demographic data.
  • Dynamic content that changes based on customer behavior, such as product recommendations or messaging that changes based on the customer’s browsing history.


  • On-Demand

10. Engagebay


EngageBay is a comprehensive platform that combines marketing, sales, and service automation with a built-in CRM and live chat function.

The software is specifically designed to help businesses streamline routine and manual tasks while allowing users to nurture their audience effectively.

The CRM and Sales Bay feature of the platform enables businesses to centralize all email contacts, track deals, and manage their sales pipeline in a single location.

With a unified platform, EngageBay aims to help businesses scale and grow by converting more customers.

Automation Features

  • Automated email campaigns, including drip campaigns, trigger-based emailsLanding pages and forms can also be automated to trigger specific actions, such as sending follow-up emails or adding contacts to a specific list., and newsletters.
  • Landing pages and forms can also be automated to trigger specific actions, such as sending follow-up emails or adding contacts to a specific list.
  • Lead scoring and segmentation based on criteria such as demographics, engagement, and purchase history.
  • Social media automation to schedule and post content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Web tracking and analytics helps the software to automatically trigger actions based on visitor behavior, such as sending targeted emails or displaying personalized content.


  • Free Plan
  • Basic: $12.74/month
  • Growth: $42.49/month
  • Pro: $84.99/month

Which Software Shall You Pick?

Given that every eCommerce marketing automation tool has its own benefits and expertise, you might get confused when deciding to pick one.

Let us help you with a simple example.

Let’s say you run an eCommerce store that sells handmade jewelry. Your target audience is primarily women aged 25-45 who are interested in fashion and eco-friendly products.

You’ve been using email marketing campaigns to promote your products, and now, you’re looking to streamline your marketing efforts with an automation tool.

Here is how you should approach picking the right tool for your jewelry store:

  • Define Your Business Needs: Your goal is to increase sales and build customer loyalty by offering personalized product recommendations and targeted promotions. So you’re looking for an eCommerce marketing automation tool that can help you achieve these goals.
  • Determine Your Budget: You have a budget of $100 per month for an eCommerce marketing automation tool.
  • Check Integration Capability: You use Shopify as your eCommerce platform, so you’re looking for a tool that integrates seamlessly with Shopify. You want to be able to access customer data, purchase history, and product information from your Shopify store within the automation tool.
  • Evaluate the Software’s Ease of Use: You want a tool that is easy to use and navigate. You prefer a simple user interface that doesn’t require extensive training or technical expertise.
  • Explore Analytics and Reporting Options: You want a tool that provides detailed analytics and reporting on your marketing campaigns. You want to be able to track customer behavior, conversion rates, and revenue generated by each campaign.
  • Request a Demo: You’ve narrowed down your options to two eCommerce marketing automation tools that integrate with Shopify and fit within your budget. You schedule a demo with both vendors to get a better understanding of how the tools work.

After the demos, you decide to go with Tool A because it offers personalized product recommendations based on customer behavior, as well as a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers. The analytics and reporting options are robust, and the user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.

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