12 Proven Tips on Improving your eCommerce store Conversion in 2023

Sector: Digital Commerce

Author: Nisarg Mehta

Date Published: 03/14/2023

12 Proven Tips on Improving your eCommerce store Conversion in 2023

The eCommerce industry is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging for eCommerce brands to keep up with the latest trends and strategies to get ahead of the competition. No matter how great your products and services are, you need to make sure that your customers are taking the desired action.

To help you out, here are 12 actionable tips to boost your eCommerce store conversion in 2023. These tips are based on current industry trends and insights, so you can be sure that they are effective and up-to-date.

From optimizing your website for mobile devices to leveraging user-generated content, these contemporary tips will help you get the best out of your eCommerce store and increase conversions.

So, let’s dive in and learn more about how to boost your eCommerce store conversion in 2023.

12 Tips to Improve Conversion

Here is how you can improve conversions of your eCommerce store:

1. Optimize Your Store for Mobile

Optimizing your store for mobile is an absolute must in today’s eCommerce landscape.

A recent report projects that mobile commerce in the US is going to exceed $430 billion in 2022 and $710 billion in 2025.


With more and more customers using their mobile phones to shop online, it’s essential that your store is optimized for mobile to keep up with the competition.

Mobile optimization not only increases user experience but can also lead to higher conversion rates. For example, if a customer has to pinch and zoom to read your product descriptions or find your checkout page and the functionality is not available, they’re more likely to abandon their cart. On the other hand, if your store is easy to navigate on a mobile device, customers are more likely to make a purchase.

Making your store mobile-friendly isn’t as hard as it may seem. You can start by ensuring your images are optimized for mobile and that your website loads quickly on mobile devices. You should also make sure that your checkout page is easy to find and that your payment methods are secure.

By making these small changes, you can increase your eCommerce conversion rate and keep up with the competition.

2. Utilize Automated Targeted Advertising

If you’re an eCommerce store owner, you should be taking advantage of automated targeted advertising. It uses machine learning and data analysis to reach the right people with the right brand message at the right time. This can help boost your eCommerce conversion rate by showing your customers tailored ads that are more likely to engage them.

Automated targeted advertising is also incredibly efficient — it can save you time, money, and effort. In addition, it can automatically target people who can be interested in your products, so you don’t have to worry about wasting your budget on ads that won’t reach the right people.

You can also track how your ads are performing, so you can adjust your strategy as needed. And with the right targeting, you can ensure that your ads reach potential customers who have already shown an interest in your brand or products.

Hence, in order to boost your eCommerce conversion rate, you should definitely look into automated targeted advertising.

Creating Branded eCommerce Experience that Converts

Let′s Talk

3. Leverage Social Proof & User-Generated Content

Leveraging social proof and user-generated content is a great approach to improve eCommerce conversion as it is a powerful way to build trust with potential customers. You can show visitors that others have had successful experiences with your products or services by showcasing customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials.

It’s also important to leverage user-generated content, which can be used to show off your products in action. People love seeing how others are using the products they are interested in, which can help increase brand loyalty.


Finally, don’t forget to use other forms of social proof like influencer mentions and product reviews. These are great ways to show potential customers that your product or service is worth their time and money.

By leveraging social proof and user-generated content, you can give visitors the confidence they need to purchase, leading to higher eCommerce conversion rates.

4. Implement Live Chat & AI Chatbots

Live chat is an effective way to provide customers with immediate help, allowing them to get their questions answered quickly. Customers will appreciate the personal touch that live chat provides, and they’ll be more likely to make a purchase if their questions or concerns are addressed right away.

AI chatbots are also great and cost-efficient options for eCommerce sites, as they can provide customers with answers to common questions and even complete transactions. This frees up customer service reps to handle more complex inquiries while still providing customers with the help they need.

Not only do chatbots reduce the workload of customer service reps, they also provide customers with fast, accurate answers, leading to faster conversions.

Hence, with live chat and AI chatbots, you can improve eCommerce conversions and provide customers with the help they need.

5. Implement A/B testing

If you’re looking to improve your eCommerce conversions, A/B testing is the way to go. A/B testing involves testing two different page versions to determine which one performs better. This way, you can find out which version of your page drives the most conversions.

A/B testing is also perfect for testing different content, images, and even colors to see which one resonates with customers the most. And the best part is you don’t necessarily have to be an eCommerce technology expert to start doing A/B testing.

If you have your eCommerce store on platforms like Shopify, there are plenty of useful tools that can help you get started. All you need to do is simply choose a page to test, create two versions of it, and then measure the results. With A/B testing, you can start making small incremental changes that can have a big impact on your eCommerce conversions.

Even if you don’t have the bandwidth or resources to create separate versions of a landing page to test, you can onboard an eCommerce development partner like Techtic. This will make your A/B tests intelligent and data-driven.

So why not give it a try?

6. Leverage Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads can prove to be a great way to boost your eCommerce conversions. Essentially, retargeting ads are ads that are specifically tailored to people who have already interacted with your brand.

When someone visits your website, a retargeting ad will be served to them when they visit other sites. This makes it easier to remind people of your product or service, and it can be a strategy to encourage them to convert.

The best part is that those retargeting ads are relatively inexpensive and are easy to set up. With the right ad strategy in place, you can increase your conversions by targeting people who are already interested in your product.

So if you’re looking for ways to improve your eCommerce conversions, don’t forget to leverage retargeting ads. They can be a great opportunity quickly and easily boost your bottom line.

7. Invest in SEO

If you want your eCommerce business to be a success in the long run, investing in SEO is a must. SEO can help you boost your website ranking and get more people to visit your store. This means more potential customers, and that translates to more sales.

When customers can easily find your store, they’re more likely to make a purchase. Even if they don’t buy something on their first visit, they’ll remember your site and come back in the future. And when you have high-quality content, customers are more likely to stay longer and explore what you have to offer. This increases the chances of them making a purchase.

Investing in SEO can also help you build brand awareness. When people are searching for products, they’re more likely to remember your brand if it’s ranked higher. This means more people will be familiar with your store, and more people will be inclined to buy from you. So, investing in SEO is the best strategy if you want to increase your eCommerce conversions with low cost per acquisition.

8. Make Use of Newsletter Subscriptions

Newsletters are a great way to boost your eCommerce conversions and ensure that your customers stay engaged with your brand. By sending out regular newsletters, you can keep your customers informed about new products, promotions, and other important updates.

You can also use newsletters to highlight positive customer feedback and showcase customer stories. This not only helps build trust with your customers but can also help to increase conversions.

Additionally, newsletters are a great way to encourage people to sign up for your promotional email list. Once they’re on the list, you can send them regular updates and promotions, increasing their chances of making a purchase.

All in all, newsletters are an invaluable tool for improving eCommerce conversions.

9. Utilize Social Media Platforms

The global revenue from social commerce is valued at $724 billion, and by 2030, it will surpass $6 trillion.

Indeed, social media platforms are a great way to grow your eCommerce business. With a few simple steps, you can start improving your conversions and engaging with customers in a powerful new way.

First, create a presence on a few key social media platforms. Next, identify the social sites your target audience is most likely to use and focus on those. Then, create an effective content strategy for each platform. This should include a mix of engaging posts, ads, videos, and stories. You should also use relevant hashtags and interact with customers to build relationships.

Finally, use social media analytics to track how your content is performing and adjust your strategy accordingly. This will help you optimize your posts and determine the most effective tactics.

With the right strategy and a bit of effort, you can use social media to drive more conversions and reach more customers.

10. Make Use Of Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is the best strategy to get a quick boost in your sales. With paid advertising, you can target specific audiences who are more likely to be interested in your products. You can also track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed. This allows you to optimize the content of your ads and get the best possible results.

Paid advertising can also help you stand out from the competition. With so much noise in the eCommerce space, it can be hard to get noticed. But with paid advertising, you can make sure that your ads are seen by the right people at the right time.

The retargeting ads and social ads we’ve discussed previously are part of this holistic approach. You can pick the right one as per your marketing strategy and budget.

11. Leverage Video Marketing

With video, you can showcase your products in a way that no other medium can. You can give customers a close-up look at the product, provide detailed descriptions, and even show it in action. You can also use videos to explain how to use the product and its features and even create tutorials. This helps to create trust with potential customers.

That’s why video marketing is a powerful tool for any eCommerce business. It can help you engage with customers, increase sales, and ultimately improve your conversion rate.

Videos can also be used to tell stories. This helps to create an emotional connection with customers, which is key to increasing sales. Finally, you can use videos to boost your SEO. By adding relevant keywords and optimizing your titles, descriptions, and tags, you’ll be able to reach even more potential customers.

Video marketing is a powerful eCommerce strategy that can help you capitalize on the market. All it takes is a creative eye and the right strategy to make it work for your business.

12. Utilize Landing Pages

A well-designed landing page can be extremely effective at converting visitors into customers. The key is to ensure that the page is tailored to your target audience and contains all the necessary information they need to make an informed buying decision.

Make sure the page has an eye-catching headline, a clear call-to-action, and the necessary information about your product or service. You should also include customer reviews and testimonials, which can help to build trust and encourage people to take the next step. It’s sensible to use compelling visuals, such as images and videos, to draw people in and keep them engaged.

With the right landing page, you can significantly improve your eCommerce conversions. So don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to reach more customers and increase your sales.

Get Started

For starters, gain insight into why customers are not making purchases right now. What will make it simpler for them to convert in the upcoming days? By taking a step back and analyzing your web page and its visitors, you will gain an understanding of what changes need to be made.

The alterations could include enhancing the user experience, improving the checkout procedure, or doing something else entirely unique!

If these improvements are backed up with a well-thought-out testing strategy, it is more probable that the eCommerce conversion rate will increase.

If you need any assistance for your eCommerce store, feel free to reach out to us at Techtic. We provide managed eCommerce services that’ll help you grow multifold.

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