15 Reasons to Use Angular for Web Development

Sector: Technology

Author: Nisarg Mehta

Date Published: 08/31/2022

15 Reasons to Use Angular for Web Development

Businesses are becoming more digital to get a competitive advantage and reduce time to market. Everyone desires to be online and enjoy the profit generated by the digital presence.

Every day, more websites and platforms are released, which adds to the quantity of already-operating websites.

The creation of user-friendly and interactive web applications becomes increasingly significant as a result of such intense competition. Angular is the optimal framework for designing scalable solutions that meet the demands of people.

What is Angular?

Angular is a free, open-source front-end framework for developing modern web applications. It uses the JavaScript-based TypeScript programming language to eliminate unnecessary code and produce lighter, faster applications.

Angular provides compelling features for building single-page, interactive, and dynamic applications, including templating, two-way binding, dependency injection, modularization, RESTful API, and AJAX handling.

Over the years, the Angular framework has evolved into Angular 12 and has realized many enhancements. In the current scenario, Angular is among the top front-end frameworks. Let’s understand why.

Why is Angular the Best for Web App Development?

Here are the main reasons why developers and solution architects prioritize Angular over other front-end platforms:

Simplified MVC Architecture

Angular’s excellent structure makes it simple to work with. It makes MVC architecture simpler for you as you create web applications by separating the model from the view and performing all kinds of data binding.

Furthermore, MVC architectures are prominent because they separate the components of an application, making development and testing less difficult.

This makes Angular a preferable choice for larger projects.

Two-Way Data Binding

Keeping track of all the variables in a big application can be difficult, but Angular handles it for you.

Angular includes two-way data binding, which automatically adjusts the view when data in the model changes or the other way around. This means that the developer may influence the application’s user interface by making changes in application objects or vice versa. Both types of user actions can occur at the same time in this framework.

This feature is particularly advantageous for large applications.

Also, development and testing are simpler when two-way data binding is used, as you don’t have to keep track of all your variables yourself—Angular does it for you.

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Modular Structure

Angular organizes code into buckets, whether they are components, pipes, directives, or services. These buckets are known as modules in Angular.

Modules make it simple to organize an application’s functionality into features and reusable chunks. Modules also allow for lazy loading, which allows application features to load in the background or on demand.

When you have the right understanding of modules, you can divide your team’s labor and ensure organized code. Using the correct modules can also boost a developer’s productivity.

Fast Loading

Angular’s performance enhancements make it a great choice for high-traffic websites. Angular was created with performance in mind. It’s fast and efficient, making it a great option for public-facing websites.


Angular is one of the greatest choices for businesses looking to rank their websites higher in Google and other major search engines, as it is SEO-friendly. Angular’s built-in SEO features make it easy to improve your website’s visibility online. Because of this, Angular is important for your website SEO.

Code Consistency and Easy Testing

As inconsistent coding increases the chances of delayed releases or increased costs, consistent coding is a must for every code base. Consistent coding can also make your site easier to use and allow for the use of templates or predefined code snippets.

Angular uses independent components that are all based on the same design. For example, the code is placed in a component class or a @Component decorator (metadata) (Hemphill, 2014). As a result, these components offer you several benefits, including:

  • Reusability: With Angular’s component-based architecture, components can be used throughout the application to create dynamic user interfaces. developers can develop smoothly and, at the same time, create moving parts in the UI.
  • Improved Readability: The code consistency makes it easy to read the code even on new projects, making operations efficient.
  • Simplified Unit-Testing: As components are independent of each other, unit testing gets simpler.
  • Ease of Maintenance: You can easily replace decoupled components with better implementations, making it efficient for code maintenance and update.

Angular.js applications are also simple to test. Modules are straightforward to manipulate, making application parts simple to deal with. You can load the necessary services while conducting automatic testing without even knowing the order in which they are loaded.

Additionally, if you follow the ‘one file-one module’ principle, you won’t even need to remember the order in which modules are loaded.

Faster Development

The speed and simplicity of Angular’s MVC structure make it an excellent choice for projects where speed is crucial. Angular is simple to learn and use, as well as fast. Therefore, you may build your website faster with Angular if you have a deadline or need to release it quickly.

Declarative Code Style

You already know that Angular is a JavaScript framework for developing high-performance, single-page web applications. It combines declarative programming with an intuitive approach to developing an application.

The declarative coding model helps build frequently accessed patterns, resulting in lightweight code that is both easy to write and read. The declarative approach specifies the application’s structure, while the imperative approach specifies the application’s behavior.

Moreover, by describing only the steps that result in desired outcomes, the declarative coding approach is non-prescriptive.

PWA and SPA-oriented features

In order to save money and effort, Angular Progressive Web Application (PWA) allows websites to behave like mobile applications. By reducing the dependency on the network, PWA improves the website user experience significantly.

With Angular, Caching operates efficiently and saves bandwidth when possible. Angular also minimizes the potential for serving out-of-date content. This improves websites’ SEO performance.

Angular also provides server-side rendering capabilities that enable the development of single-page applications (SPAs). It improves website performance on mobile and low-powered devices as well as loads the first page quickly.

Gives Structure to Your App

Angular provides structure and organization to your web app, which makes it easier for you to manage large projects and work on them in the future. Working on large projects otherwise can be difficult unless they are structured properly.

Moreover, Google supports Angular, and the large Angular community is ready to assist you. If you get stuck during the process of website development, you can seek online assistance to create a prominent website.


With Angular, you can save time and resources by taking advantage of pre-compiled templates for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. If you want to keep your project’s resources in check, you should consider Angular, as it compiles them all together for you.

Improved Flexibility

Angular is an excellent option for large projects because of its flexibility. JavaScript and HTML are standard languages, but Angular employs them to create single-page applications that can be easily updated without reloading the whole web page.

Because you don’t have to reload your browser every time you change your code, updates will be automatically applied to the page, you don’t have to worry about refreshing your browser.

Client-Side Solution

Angular is a client-side technology, which makes it ideal for developing web applications. Since all the code runs on the client’s computer rather than the server, Angular can offer substantial control over the nature of your project.

Inbuilt CLI and Multiple Filters Support

Angular also provides an inbuilt command-line interface for creating new projects. This is beneficial because you can get started with Angular without going through the setup process—all you have to do is run `ng new` and your project will be ready in minutes!

Additionally, Angular provides multiple filters that organize your project efficiently and cleanly. Angular is a great choice if you’re working on an app with many views since it provides an effective system for filtering data to the right location.

Community Support

Angular is created by Google. Hence, web toolkits from Google enable developers to build custom, user-friendly apps. As CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5 became more popular in apps, Angular was developed to assist app developers.

The Angular framework has great community support from both the core development group and those who perform repairs or recommend improvements. This clearly indicates that developers can not only participate in the open-source community but also seek the assistance of intelligent professionals to answer their questions.

The developers can get multiple resources and different books on Angular online or offline. Because the developers may join with intelligent engineers to get issues addressed, the number of open-source communities is increasing.

Top Web Apps Built Using Angular

Angular is already a leader in the web development space. Many popular platforms are built using Angular, including:

  • Google Marketing Platform
  • Forbes
  • Upwork
  • PayPal
  • Deutsche Bank Developer Portal
  • Microsoft Xbox


There were fifteen of the many reasons why you should choose Angular for your next project. The Angular framework provides many advantages, including easy access to information, greater data security, ease of maintenance, and ease of testing.

At Techtic, we provide Angular development services from strategy to the single-page application (SPA) development and cross-platform application development. So, contact us to hire Angular developers to create versatile, scalable web and mobile applications.

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