What are the Best Node.JS Hosting Providers in 2021?

Sector: Technology

Author: Abhishek Singh

Date Published: 07/24/2018

What are the Best Node.JS Hosting Providers in 2021?


What is Node.js?

It is one of the most efficient and popular languages used for creating web apps. The popular programming language JavaScript is used to write the code for Node.js and can be used for both frontend and backend. The first version of this open-source platform was released more than nine years ago, and in the intervening period, it has gained immense popularity.

Advantages of Node.js

The awesome speed of Node.js allows for much better productivity for the user. This platform also provides productivity in terms of infrastructure because of its immense scalability. That is why the same infrastructure can be used to handle increased workflows as well. It comes to you with the feature-rich Node Package Manager which also aids in improving the speed of this tool. It enjoys a unique input-output model which has made it a favorite with both developers and users. That is why many well-known names have used Node.js to write the applications on the server-side using JavaScript. Some examples are Walmart, Uber, Airbnb, and LinkedIn.

As a team of developers or as an individual developer, you would need a dependable and robust hosting service for Node.js, and know exactly what each hosting service brings to your table. We have tried to put together a list of five hosting services which you might find useful.

5 Recommended Node.js Hosting Providers in 2021

1. Elastic Beanstalk

This is a product from Amazon Web Services (AWS) which helps developers to develop useful applications using Node.js. It provides the advantages of easy scalability and efficient balancing of workloads. The automation of various functions associated with the creation of the web app is another advantage of Elastic. This container-based system allows you to migrate the application production to the use of a platform as a service. This product enjoys a robust user/developer community that helps you with documentation as well as resolutions to your queries. This hosting platform is easily scalable and would help you run more than one application without any additional cost burden.

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2. Azure

This product from Microsoft is working on a cloud-based application. It is largely independent of the operating system, and you can use it for Windows and Linux equally effortlessly. You can have an Azure host of more than one instance of Node.js, and you can monitor all of them easily. This hosting platform has both free as well as premium variants, but unlike many other products, the free version is quite feature-rich and can meet most requirements. You can use each datacentre of Azure to host as many as ten web apps built using Node.js. You can use Azure to manage multiple user accounts and also synchronize all of them with all directories hosted on-premises.

3. Xervo

This hosting platform was earlier referred to as Modulus and was renamed a little more than a year back. In spite of the change in name, the user support still remains as healthy as before, and you can choose from telephone, Twitter, and email to get help. You do not need to worry about storage space for your Node.js code when you use Xervo. It provides automatic load balancing features and can be automatically scaled up or down according to the workloads. This platform isn’t just free, and it additionally provides $15 of credit to use in the first 30 days after signing up.

4. RedHat OpenShift

This hosting platform enjoys high credibility because it is brought to you by the same company which created Red Hat Linux. It is very popular with both experienced as well as new web developers. Unlike some other hosting platforms, this is really free for use and doesn’t give you only a trial period after which you need to pay. This platform will sway in and out according to the volume of traffic, and you do not need to add infrastructure when you get a jump in your traffic.

5. Heroku

This hosting platform is more than a decade old now, but its popularity doesn’t show any signs of dropping in spite of several competitors that have come up. This longevity is because every change in the product is accompanied by a fresh release, which helps users stay updated. The new releases are also detailed in the log. It is available only in Europe and the US at present.

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